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KPPSC Naib Tehsildar Ability Test Solved 2019 MCQS

Here, you will have some KPPSC Naib Tehsildar Ability Test 2019 MCQS conducted by (KPPSC)

Solved MCQs of KPPSC Naib Tehsildar Ability Test Solved 2019

Correct the spelling:

1. Diverse
2. Obnoxious
3. Malignant
4. Sufficient
5. Essence
6. Ridiculous
7. Proficient
8. Conceive
9. Ambiguous
10. Challenge


1. Amicable: Courteous
2. Conformity: Reliance
3. Feign: Pretend
4. Grandeur: Splendor
5. Manifest: Wakeup


1. Amenable: Offensive (not sure)
2. Comply: Deny
3. Exotic: Poor (not sure)
4. Reprisal: Forgiveness
5. Strenuous: Lazy


1. At cross purpose: Misunderstanding each other
2. Drop of a hat: without delay
3. Add fuel to the fire: aggravate
4. Within stone’s throw: near distance
5. Snake in grass: the hidden enemy
6. Wolf in sheep’s cloth: Hypocrite
7. Keep himself to him: unsociable

Some other unsolved Tehsildar KPPSC 2019 MCQs

Capital of Chechnya?
Franc is the Currency of?
Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?
Tipu Sultan died in which Mysore Battle?
Who built the Jahangir Tomb?
Who was the founder of Din-e-Elahi?
What is the name of the China Parliament?
Which is called the mother of Parliament?
Which country has the world’s oldest Parliament?
Which country has no sea Qatar, UAE or Saudi Arabia?
The world’s largest ocean?
What is the name of the Pakistan parliament?
UAE Capital?
Indian president’s name?
Kpk district including FATA?
Area wise largest FATA agency?
Papulation wise largest agency of FATA?
Which desert between Indus and Jehlum?
Who builds Jahangir’s tomb?
BRIC 11th summit hosted by which country?
First world parliament?
Mangla Dam is located in which province?
Parliament of Pakistan also called Majlis-e-Shoora, Majlis-e-Pakistan, Senate?
Khawaja Ghulam Fareed was the poet of which language?
Which organization selected for the Nobel Prize award?
The green vegetable is a good source of?
Pakistani national Animal?
Pakistani national Flower?
Which country shares the south borders with Pakistan?
Bejing old name?
Which desert located between the Punjab and Sindh?

Corrections will be appreciated. Moreover, you can answer the rest of the questions in the comment box below, Thanks.

**Share other mcqs of both General Knowledge and English if someone remembered**

To Download KPPSC Naib Tehsildar Ability Test Solved 2019 Paper MCQs, Click below

If the aforementioned Answer is Wrong. Leave a Reply with an authentic source.