KPPSC Tehsildar Exam Current Affairs & GSA Paper
Here, you will have Tehsildar KPPSC Current Affairs & GSA Paper 2021 which is considered to be the toughest paper of all owing to its double edged nature and insufficient given time. Thus, it is equally important for upcoming KPPSC written Exams of Provincial Panning Services PPS (BPS-17), Judicial, and Tehsildar Municipal Officer (BPS-17) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Current Affairs Tehsildar Exam part – Part 1 (150 Marks)
1. What are the causes of unrest in Baluchistan and how it can be ended?
2. Is corruption the main problem of Pakistan? In both cases i.e. Yes or No you should give arguments.
3. What are the internal and external threats to CPEC?
4. What are the main causes of military intervention in politics in Pakistan? How it can be checked?
5. What is the Geo-Strategic importance of Pakistan?
6. what do you know about SAARC and its performance in comparison with other
regionaforganizations of the world?
7. Why Modi’s India has become a dangerous place for the Muslims?
GSA Tehsildar Paper – Part 2 (50 Marks)
1. Discuss the causes of air pollution.
2. What is climate change and what are the consequences of climate change?
3. Describe respiratory system in a human body.
4. What do you know about the working of computer?
5. How antibiotics works?
6. What do you know about vertebrate and invertebrate?
7. Discuss the composition, function and sources of protein.
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