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Indian National Movement MCQs Notes PDF

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Indian National Movement MCQs Notes in pdf
Indian National Movement MCQs Notes in pdf

Indian National Movement MCQs Notes in pdf

  1. The Asiatic society was established in Calcutta by: Sir William Jones
  1. Brahmo samaj mainly insisted upon: Monotheism
  1. Al-Hillal weekly was started by: Abul Kalam Azad
  1. The governor-general of Fort William became the governor-general of india under the Charter Act of: 1833 
  2. Sir Charles Wood dispatch of 1854 dealt primarily with: Educational reforms
  1. The non-Cooperation Movement was launched by: Mahatma Ghandhi 
  2. The main purpose Home Rule Movement was: To attain self-government within the rule British Empire 
  3. According to the government of India Act of 1935, India had been divided into parts? 11 
  4. To encourage british investment in india, Lord Daljousie: Introduced railways and telegraphs 
  5. The strategy of “ Divde and Rule” was adopted by: Lord Minto
  1. Who first voiced the idea of a seprate Muslim state in India: Allama Iqbal
  1. The Cripps Mission visited India in: 1942
  1. Dehli became the capital od India in: 1911
  1. The Verneculer Press Act was passed by: Lord Lytton
  1. Swaraj party was formed in: 1923
  1. Minto-Moraly reforms aimed at: Seprate electorate for the Muslims
  1. The office of governor-general of India was created by: Charta Act, 1833
  1. The Muslim League started demanding seprate homeland for the Muslims from: 1940
  1. In which year did Indian Navel Mutiny against the Brotish take place? 1946
  2. Who among the following is known as the Heroin of 1942 Quit India Movement? Annie Basant
  3. Arya samaj was started by: Swami Dyanand Sarsvati
  1. Who is known as Grand Old Man of India? Dadabhai Naoroji
  2. The affairs of East India Company came into hand of the British Crown under: Regulating Act
  3. Quiad-e-Azam presented his famous fourteen points in: 1929
  1. The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was made between: Congress and Muslim League
  1. When the Cooperate Societies Act was first passed in subcontinent? 1904
  2. Thew first session of the Indian National Congress was held under the presidenship of: C Bannerji
  3. The Doctrine of laps was introduced by: Lod Dalhiousie
  1. Partition of Bangal took place in: 1905
  1. The first railway started in India under the Governor-Generlship: Lord Dalhousie
  1. Quit India Movemnet started after the failure of: Cripps Mission
  1. The simmon commission was concerned with: Constitutional Reforms
  1. The Verneculer Press Act odf 1878 was repealed by: Lord Rippon
  1. The Ghandhi Irwin Pact proclaimed the suspension of: Civil Disobedience Movement
  1. The office of the secratery of state for India was created through the: Government of India Act, 185
  2. After 1853 a very large amount of the british capital was invested in: Railways
  1. The tittle of governor-general was changed into viceroy in: 1858 AD
  1. The prime minister of Britain at the time of India’s independence was: Clement Attlee
  2. General Dyer who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre was shot dead by: Udham Singh
  3. The Home Rule Movement started bt Annei basant aimed at: Attaining self-reule for India
  1. The capital of India was shifted to Dehli during the region of: Lord Hading
  1. Which school of religion, started in 1867, was basically anti-British? Deobandi
  1. The first Indian Council Act was passed in: 1853
  2. Who was responsible for the introduction of English as the official Language in India? Sir Charless Wood
  3. Whio initiated the introduction of education in English in India? Lord Macaulay
  4. Arya samaj was founded in: 1875
  1. Shuddhi Movemnet was started by: Arya Samaj
  1. The Chauri-Chaura incident relates to: The burning of a police post by a bomb
  1. All The Round Table Conferences were held in: London
  1. The Quit India Movement started at: Bombay on August 8, 1942


  1. The first fort which the British constructed in India was: St Geroge Fort


  1. O. Hume was associated with: Civil Services


  1. Jallianwal Bagh massacre took place in: Amrister


  1. The first Indian woman president of the Indian National Congress was: Sarojni Naidu


  1. Lord Warren Hastings was not associated with: Afghan War


  1. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in London in: 1931


  1. Which of the following Movement truly reflected the sprit of Hindu-Muslim unity? Khilfat Movemnet


  1. Moplah Rebellion of 1921 took place in: Kerala


  1. Burma was seprated from India in: 1937


  1. The reform Movement among the Muslims started by Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan as :

Aligarh Movemnet


  1. Queen Victoria was appointed Empress of India in the year: 1877


  1. Who was viceroy of India at the time of Quit India Movemnet? Lord Linlithgow


  1. Montague reforms were aimed at: Constitutional Reforms


  1. The first movement launched against British in India was: Swadeshi Movemnet


  1. During who was viceroyalty the capital was shifted from Calcutta to Dehli? Lord Clive


  1. The provision for seprate electorate for Hindus and Muslims were made in: Minto-Moraly Reforms


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Indian National Movement MCQs Notes in pdf