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CSS 2023 Current Affairs Paper Solved MCQs

Here, you will get the CSS 2023 Current Affairs Paper Solved MCQs. For CSS Current Affairs 2023 Paper Visit HERE and for CSS Current Affairs 2023 Section-A Paper MCQs Quiz Visit HERE. Although we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, there may be errors present. If you are confident that any information provided is incorrect, we welcome your contribution to help improve the accuracy of the material. Please note that while we strive for excellence, perfection may not always be achieved. If you remember the rest of the MCQs of today’s [02/02/2023] paper please share them in the comment box below.

Solved MCQs of CSS 2023 Current Affairs Paper

1. The name of the morality police in Iran:

A. The Guardian Council
B. The Basij
C. Gasht-e-Ershad
D. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps


C. Gasht-e-Ershad (The Guidance Patrol)


“Gasht-e-Ershad,” which translates as “guidance patrols,” and is widely known as the “morality police,” is a unit of Iran’s police force. The Guidance Patrol is a force in Iran that enforces the country’s moral codes and dress codes in public places.

2. The world’s largest active volcano is:

A. Mount Vesuvius
B. Kilauea
C. Mauna Loa
D. Mount St. Helens


C. Mauna Loa


Mauna Loa is the largest active shield volcano and one of five shield volcanoes that make up the Big Island of Hawaii.

3. Who delinked the US Dollar from Gold:

A. President John F. Kennedy
B. President Richard Nixon
C. President Jimmy Carter
D. President Ronald Reagan


B. President Richard Nixon


President Nixon delinked the US dollar from gold in 1971, effectively ending the gold standard for the US currency.

4. The Author of Book “Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West”:

A. Benazir Bhutto
B. Tariq Ramadan
C. Ayaan Hirsi Ali
D. Sam Harris


A. Benazir Bhutto


“Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West” is a book written by Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan.

5. Tirich Mir is the highest peak of which range:

A. Andes
B. Hindu Kush
C. Rocky Mountains
D. Appalachian Mountains


B. Hindu Kush


Tirich Mir is the highest peak in the Hindu Kush mountain range, located in northern Pakistan.

6. Which Country announced Zero – Tolerance covid policy:

A. China
B. United States
C. India
D. United Kingdom


C. China


China has announced a zero-tolerance policy for COVID-19 and has taken strict measures to control the spread of the virus.

7. Article 112 of the Constitution of Pakistan is about:

A. Dissolution of President
B. Dissolution of the monarchy
C. Dissolution of the military
D. Dissolution of the National Assembly


A. Dissolution of the National Assembly


Article: 112 Dissolution of Provincial Assembly:

112. Dissolution of Provincial Assembly.-(l) The Governor shall dissolve the Provincial Assembly if so advised by the Chief Minister; and the Provincial Assembly shall, unless sooner dissolved, stand dissolved at the expiration of forty-eight hours after the Chief Minister has so advised.

8. Walt Whitman famous Poet belong from which country:

A. United States
B. Canada
C. England
D. France


A. United States


Walt Whitman was an American poet and journalist, widely considered one of the greatest poets in the English language.

9.Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, known collectively as:

A. Crimea
B. Donbas
C. Galicia
D. East Ukraine


B. Donbas


Donetsk and Luhansk, two regions in eastern Ukraine, are collectively known as Donbas. The area has been the site of conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists.

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10.Indonesia New Capital Name:

A. Nusantara
B. Jakarta
C. Surabaya
D. Medan


B. Nusantara


Nusantara, officially the Capital City of Nusantara, is the future capital of Indonesia, set to be inaugurated on 17 August 2024, coinciding with the Indonesian Independence Day. The planned city will replace Jakarta, the national capital since independence in 1945.

11. OECD Stands for:

A. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Democracy
B. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
C. Organization for Development and Cooperation in Europe
D. Organization for Democracy and Cooperation in Asia


B. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organization made up of 36 countries, dedicated to promoting economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development.

12. The book “The Making of a Frontier” is written by: [CE-2023]

A. Maria Ressa
B. Algernon Durand
C. Sam Harris
D. Nadir Shah


B. Algernon Durand


The making of a frontier. Five years’ experience and adventures in Gilgit, Hunza Nagar, Chitral, And The Eastern Hindu-kush by Algernon Durand.

13. India & Nepal Conflict on:

A. Kalapani boundary issue
B. Himalayan border dispute
C. Water sharing agreement
D. Religious differences


A. Kalapani boundary issue


India and Nepal have a longstanding dispute over the Kalapani boundary, which lies in the far northwest of Nepal and has strategic significance for both countries. The dispute centers on the location of the border between the two countries.

14.Al Shabaab terrorist group belong from which country:

A. Somalia
B. Kenya
C. Ethiopia
D. Uganda


A. Somalia


Al Shabaab is a terrorist group based in Somalia and is affiliated with Al-Qaeda. The group has carried out numerous attacks in Somalia and neighboring countries, including Kenya.

15. Nobel Peace Prize 2022 Winner is:

A. Ales Bialiatski
B. Maria Ressa
C. Dmitry Muratov
D. None of these


A. Ales Bialiatski


Ales Bialiatski from Belarus. The 2022 Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded jointly to Ales Bialiatski, a Belarusian human rights activist and political prisoner; the Center for Civil Liberties, a Ukrainian organization that promotes democracy and civil society; and Memorial, a Russian human rights organization.

16. Who was Appointed as the new president of Brazil:

A. Floriano Peixoto
B. Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca
C. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
D. Prudente José de Morais Barros


A. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva


In Brazil, the President is elected through popular vote, but the process is subject to approval by the National Congress. Once a president is elected, the National Congress must approve the election results before the president can take office. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected as the new President of Brazil on January 1, 2023.

17. What is the capital of East Timor:

A. Dili
B. Baucau
C. Suai
D. Maliana


A. Dili


Dili is the capital city of East Timor (officially known as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste). It is located in the northern part of the country and is the largest city in the country, serving as a centre of government, commerce, and culture for the nation.

18. Muhammad Shia Sabbar Al Sufdani was the PM of which state?

A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Sudan


B. Iraq


Mohammed Shia’ Sabbar Al-Sudani is an Iraqi politician who is serving as the Prime Minister of Iraq since 27 October 2022. He was the Human Rights Minister of Iraq in the Council of Ministers of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki from 2010 until October 2014.

19.The Kalapani Area is the largest Territorial Disputer between?

A. India and China
B. India and Pakistan
C. India and Nepal
D. India and Bangladesh


C. India and Nepal


The area is the largest territorial dispute between Nepal and India consisting of at least 37,000 hectares of land in the High Himalayas.

20. Mahsa Amini, who also goes by the Kurdish name Jhina has her nickname as?

A. Yezda
B. Schne
C. Eylo
D. None of these

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