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When did Pakistan become a member of G20?
None of these
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Correct Answer: None of these (Pakistan is not a member of the G20 yet.

When did Pakistan become a member of G20?

A. 1999
B. 2005
C. 2017
D. None of these

The Group of Twenty, commonly known as the G20, is an influential international forum that brings together the world’s major economies to discuss and coordinate various aspects of global economic governance. Since its establishment, the G20 has played a pivotal role in shaping the global economic landscape, addressing financial crises, and promoting economic stability and sustainable development. Pakistan is not a member of G20 so for. It is as a significant player in the region and on the global stage, has expressed its aspirations to become a part of this exclusive group.

The G20: A Brief Overview & Introduction.

The G20 was founded in 1999 as a response to the Asian financial crisis, aiming to provide a platform for major economies to collaborate and address global financial issues collectively. Initially, it consisted of finance ministers and central bank governors. However, it evolved over the years, and since the 2008 global financial crisis, G20 summits have included heads of state and government. The G20 was formed almost two decades ago, on September 26, 1999. It has 19 member countries and the European Union. The Asian continent has eight members: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Turkey. Europe has six: France, Germany, Italy, Russia the UK, and the European Union. The Americas, North and South, have five members: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States; and the African continent has only one, South Africa. The Group’s chairmanship rotates annually among its 20 members.

The G20 member countries collectively represent a significant portion of the world’s population, landmass, and economic output. They are responsible for nearly 80% of global GDP, making their decisions and policies crucial in shaping the world economy.

Pakistan’s Aspirations:

Pakistan’s interest in joining the G20 is rooted in its desire to actively participate in the global economic discourse and leverage the platform to address its own economic challenges. The country’s leadership believes that G20 membership would enable Pakistan to have a stronger voice in international economic matters, attract foreign investment, and foster economic growth. However, as of today’s date 2023-09-13, Pakistan has not achieved G20 membership so far. The G20 comprises 19 individual countries and the European Union, and Pakistan is not among them.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Becoming a member of the G20 is not a simple task. It requires not only economic strength but also the ability to contribute meaningfully to the group’s discussions and initiatives. Pakistan faces several challenges on its path to G20 membership, including fiscal deficits, energy shortages, and geopolitical complexities. Addressing these challenges would be essential to bolster its economic credentials.

However, there are also significant opportunities for Pakistan. G20 membership would provide a platform to attract foreign investment, expand trade opportunities, and collaborate with major economies on issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and pandemic response. It could enhance Pakistan’s standing in the global arena and improve its ability to influence international economic policies.

Strategic Considerations:

Strategically, Pakistan’s quest for G20 membership aligns with its broader foreign policy objectives. It seeks to establish itself as a responsible and influential player in the international community. Being a member of the G20 would not only serve economic interests but also bolster its diplomatic and geopolitical standing.

Furthermore, G20 membership requires demonstrating a commitment to economic reforms, transparency, and good governance. These reforms could have positive implications for Pakistan’s domestic economic stability and development.


Pakistan’s aspiration to become a member of the G20 reflects its ambition to play a more substantial role on the global stage. While it faces various challenges on this path, the potential benefits in terms of economic growth, foreign investment, and diplomatic influence are compelling. As Pakistan continues to work toward its goal, its journey toward G20 membership underscores the country’s commitment to addressing global economic challenges and contributing to international cooperation and development.

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