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Assistant Director Test Past Paper of National Accountability Bureau NAB

Here, you will have Assistant Director Test Past Paper of National Accountability Bureau NAB FPSC today solved paper Batch 2 held on 23rd September 2020 02:00 Pm. Download today FPSC past paper of Assistant Director in National Accountability Bureau 2020 evening paper 02:00 Pm along with the answer keys.

Assistant Director (AD) National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Solved Past Papers

1. Name the Country which joined the Shanghai corporation organization with Pakistan on 9 June 2017 as a full-fledged member? India
2. In which year the United Nations is declared as Plant health Year? Ans 2020
3. Name the youngest bowler who is to hold a record of a hat trick? Ans Naseem shah
4. Pakistan bought Gwadar from which Country? Oman
5. PM Imran khan delivered a speech un the UN general assembly on? 27 September 2019
6. The United Kingdom left the European Union formally on? 31 January 2020
7. Which country is the largest producer of arms in the world? United States
8. Objective resolution was passed on? 12 March 1949
9. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiracy? Faiz Ahmed Faiz
10. Ghazwa Badar was fought in which Hijri yar? 2nd
11. Zulqarnain is mention in which surah? Surah Al-Kahaf
12. Which surah starts without Bismillah? Surah Tauba
13. The name of prophet Muhammad PBUH is mentioned how many times in Holy Quran? 4
14. Imam Bukhari was born in? 194 Hijri
15. Army Act 2020 was passed on? 19 August 2019
16. Which organization released the Gender Gap Index 2019? World Economic Forum
17. Which country recently changed its guardianship laws i.e. allowing women to go out alone without males? Saudi Arabia
18. Ka’abah was built by which prophet? Hazrat Ibraheem AS
19. According to the Indus water treaty basin Pakistan can use which rivers? Indus, Jhelum, Chenab.
21. Awami league led by how much % vote in the 1970 election?
22. Current parliament no is? 15th
23. Quran was first translated in which language? Persian
24. Christina Koch has set the record for the longest stay in space by a woman? 328 days
25.When was the state of swat included in Pakistan? 28 July 1969
26. Which movie directed by Aashir Azeem? Maalik
27. How many Muslim seats were secured by the All India Muslim League in the 1945-46 Election of Provincial assemblies? 425
28. Pakistan Ambassador to India? Moin-ul-Haq

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