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CSSMCQs Registration (Payment) Terms and Conditions

Here, you will come across our website CSSMQs.Com Purchasing, Registration & Payment Terms and Conditions.

Please Read These Terms and Conditions before registration at CSS MCQs.

  • If you are not abiding by our Payment terms and conditions, please do not apply for the paid registration and get what is free on our site in that case.
  • We have kept a very suitable and minimal amount of money for the registration, with this little amount of money you can get more than your anticipation. However, in the first place, you must know Why You Should Prepare MCQs for CSS and PMS Exams?
  • First thing first, your account will be valid till the last paper of CSS Written Exam 2025, Insha’ALLAH
  • Free Account availed on Special Occasions i.e. E I D Offer, Azaadi Offer, Ramadan Offer & other important festivals will be valid for a month or so only. You cannot claim that for a limitless time. Yeah, you can always request us an extension. All other services are NOT available for a free account User.
  • After payment, you can assure an account on CSSMCQs.Com that in return can make your access possible to the entire site. Therefore, all the other services are for the time being and can be halted at any time.
  • No demand can be fulfilled. Think rationally, you cannot even get all optional subjects’ books, MCQs or materials in a whole market not in one shop alone. However, our team is directed to assist you in every possible way.
  • During hosting faults, Domain failure or Site Coding Errors, you are liable to wait till everything get back to their services.
  • If you can’t pay, contact us with a genuine reason. If we think, you’re capable of this opportunity, you will be provided with a Free account till your CSS Exam 2022. However, we advise you to let the desired candidates get this offer as we are using shared hosting where we can manage a limited number of users only. Therefore, if you can, you should pay to support this website and those of deserving aspirants.
  • Your account will be null and void if it is opened and used by another person consistently.
  • Amount return/refund is NOT permissible after approval of the account, in any circumstances, you cannot claim for that. Therefore, before applying, think a while and check everything inside whether it is viable to you or NOT.
  • You cannot download each and every page in PDF, only those pages are liable to download which we have allowed for paid users only.
  • By one payment, you cannot claim to have batch admission of our Pak Civil Academy. Therefore, for that, you need separate online admission.
  • CSSMCQs is disengaged to charge less, more or provide free services with the due passage of time.
  • CSSMCQS has the right to halt your account in case of suspicious activities from your account at any time.
  • Before payment, must check our Website CSSMCQs from A-Z, what is available and require registration will be accessible after payment.
  • You have no right, to ask for additional optional subjects MCQs which are more than 50 in numbers after your payment. Yeah, we are trying our level best to provide each and every optional Subject MCQs. For that, we have also recruited some experienced people. You can also apply for that.
  • One account for one person is allowed, many people cannot use it at a time.
  • You must know that from your IP Address we are even capable let you know your exact location and with Google analytics, your age, gender and other details can also be specified
  • If you are not abiding by our Payment terms and conditions, please do not apply for the paid registration and get what is free on our site
  • Please note that the money we charge for a user account is for the website’s maintenance, hosting dues & its team members’ payment. If you’re a serious CSS&PMS Aspirant, it is far less than the services you will get here. We need your support to keep this website carry on.

CSSMCQs Purchasing Stuff Terms and Conditions

Here, you can read our rules for Purchasing various Materials from CSSMCQs

  1. Access will be given to Email Address only used during registration.
  2. Access will be valid for 3 months after registration, during that time you can review and download the concerned materials.
  3. Access will be given to GOOGLE Drive no Whatsapp Sharing etc
  4. Gmail Account Email Address is necessary for “Google Drive”
  5. In case of Copyright issues, we are reliable to remove any given material.
  6. We are NOT responsible if you didn’t CHECK the review of the files before purchasing.
  7. Must check the Materials, and WATCH their Youtube reviews too before registration or do ask for help.

Separate Whatsapp groups for Male/females. Verification is Req for joining some groups.
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NOTE: Your cooperation is highly required to run this site and help other aspirants while achieving their dreams. You know, in competitive exams one mark can either make you a PAS, FSP or PSP officer and on some occasions, you won’t even be capable to get an allocation even after success in css exam because of one mark only. Therefore, CSS MCQs gives you this opportunity to gather one mark and make the ocean of total 220 marks except for English Essay Marks.

Benefits of Paid Users of CSSMCQs.com

  • Our team will facilitate you to choose your optionals subjects while keeping in view each and everything intact.
  • If you want, we will also help you out while buying books for your Compulsory Subjects, and also in some of the optionals subjects where we are capable to assist you.
  • Once a month, you can also send and check your English Passage i.e Essay, Precis or Composition with our Qualified team members who are currently serving as KPK PMS Officers.
  • You can join our WhatsApp groups free of cost.
  • We will provide such materials meanwhile your exam preparation which will be really beneficial for you.
  • If you need other guidance for one paper MCQs, you will also be supported.
  • All in all, we can assure you that we will NOT let this amount of money be wasted.

WHERE ONE GIVES TO ACADEMIES 70k – 90K for guidance, You would be able to get such support with a very minimal amount here Insha’ALLAH. You know, a qualifier may support you in this journey, whose attitude is always talking with a sky, who may very easily take you for granted also but yet everyone is ready to pay them.
However, a failure of CSS Exam is very humble who understants the pain of CSS Exam’s fiascos and knows far more than a qualifier because he has attempted such an exam thrice. What didn’t work in his case, may work in yours? So, our team has also such well-experienced people whose luck didn’t favour them in their CSS journey.

Therefore, if you comply with our terms and condition, and agree with the paid user benefits. Please get registered yourself now, HERE