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Election officer past paper solved MCQs – 6

Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs logo
Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs

‘Disqualification on account of offences’ is mentioned in?


A. Section 235

B. Section 232

C. Section 239

D. Section 237

All expenditure of ECP will be charged upon the Federal Consolidated Fund within the meaning of Article 81 of the Constitution


A. Section 19

B. Section 15

C. Section 12

D. Section 11

The Commissioner will have full financial powers, including power to create posts within its approved budgetary allocations.


A. Section 13(2)

B. Section 13(1)

C. Section 11(1)

D. Section 11(2)

The ECP has been empowered to issue specific directions for performance of its duties, which shall be enforced throughout Pakistan in the same manner as if these have been issued by a High Court


A. Section 49

B. Section 40

C. Section 14

D. Section 4

The ECP will have full administrative powers to control transfer of election officials during elections and take disciplinary action against them for misconduct.


A. Section 5

B. Section 19

C. Section 15

D. Section 57


“Conduct of elections to the assemblies” is the title of ____________ in Election Act 2017?


A. Chapter VI

B. Chapter VII

C. Chapter IV

D. Chapter V

“Delimitation of constituencies” is the title of ____________ in Election Act 2017?


A. Chapter VII

B. Chapter V

C. Chapter VI

D. Chapter III

“Election to reserved seats in an assembly” is the title of ____________ in Election Act 2017?


A. Chapter IX

B. Chapter VIII

C. Chapter VII

D. Chapter VI

“Conduct of election to the senate” is the title of ____________ in Election Act 2017?


A. Chapter VII

B. Chapter VI

C. Chapter V

D. Chapter VIII

“Electoral rolls” is the title of ____________ in Election Act 2017?


A. Chapter VII

B. Chapter VI

C. Chapter V

D. Chapter IV


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