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Pakistan Election Officer Commission Act 2017 MCQs

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Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs

Here, you will get Pakistan Election Officer Commission Act 2017 MCQs. Election Act 2017 Mcqs for Preparation. You must know that 30% of the ELECTION OFFICERS (BS-17) COURSE OUTLINE are from the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 (Part I, II & VIII) and Elections Act, 2017  of the paper will be from Election Act 2017. So,  here are important Mcqs of Election Act of Pakistan Commission of past papers solved mcqs.

Click to get ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) Solved Past Papers MCQs in PDF

Click Here to Download the Syllabus of ELECTION OFFICERs (BS-17) 2021


Pakistan Election Officer Commission Act 2017 MCQs

Interference with the secrecy of voting is mentioned in?


A. Section 178

B. Section 148

C. Section 134

D. Section 109

Adversely affecting the interests of candidate is mentioned in?


A. Section 179

B. Section 189

C. Section 79

D. Section 67

Prohibition of public meetings during certain period is mentioned in?


A. Section 182

B. Section 189

C. Section 196

D. Section 191

ECP shall prepare a gender disaggregated statement of voters showing the total number of votes cast by men and women voters at the polling station.


A. Section 43

B. Section 78

C. Section 64

D. Section 91

In case of equality of votes between two candidates, both will be declared returned candidates and each shall become Member for half of the term of the Assembly. The candidate who will be Member for the first half of the term will be determined by draw of lots. In case of equality of votes between three or more candidates, there shall be re-election in the constituency.


A. Section 97

B. Section 131

C. Section 79

D. Section 189

If the victory margin between the returned candidate and runner-up candidate is less than 5% of the total votes polled or 10,00votes, whichever is less, the Returning Officer shall recount all the votes on the request of a contesting candidate before commencement of the consolidation of the results.


A. Section 78

B. Section 95

C. Section 45

D. Section 89

While scrutinizing a nomination paper, the Returning Officer shall not ask any question which has no nexus to the information, supplied or received or objections raised by any person, or tangible material on record.


A. Section 62

B. Section 68

C. Section 74

D. Section 89

A person with any physical disability who is unable to travel and holds a National Identity Card with a logo for physical disability issued by the National Database and Registration Authority may be able to cast their votes now by postal ballot.


A. Section 93

B. Section 99

C. Section 63

D. Section 83

ECP may conduct pilot projects for utilization of electronic voting machines (EVMs) and biometric voters’ identification system in bye-elections in addition to the existing manual procedures for voter verification, casting and counting of votes to assess their technical efficacy, secrecy, security and financial feasibility.


A. Section 103

B. Section 109

C. Section 119

D. Section 145

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