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Pakistan  Election act 2017 mcqs pdf download MCQs – 4

Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs logo
Election Act 2017 MCQs by CSS MCQs

ECP shall annually publish disaggregated data of registered men and women voters in each National Assembly and Provincial Assembly constituency highlighting the difference in number of registered men and women voters.


A. Section 47

B. Section 49

C. Section 77

D. Section 98


If the variation in the number of men and women voters in a constituency is more than 10% special measures will be taken by ECP to reduce such variation.


A. Section 67

B. Section 38

C. Section 74

D. Section 47

ECP shall conduct awareness/media campaigns for registration of women voters and their participation in elections.


A. Section 12

B. Section 23

C. Section 87

D. Section 46

As per the previous law, the Election Commission Order, 2002, Section 9E, approval of the President had to be sought to make Rules. Now, ECP has been empowered to make Rules without prior approval of the President or the Government. Rules will be subject to prior publication, seeking suggestions etc. within 15 days of such publication.


A. Section 223

B. Section 210

C. Section 239

D. Section 191

The ECP shall prepare a comprehensive Action Plan four months before the elections specifying all legal and administrative measures that have been taken or are required to be taken


A. Section 11

B. Section 14

C. Section 18

D. Section 16

The ECP has been authorized to redress complaints/grievances during various stages of the election process (other than challenge to the election itself under Article 225). Its decisions will be appealable to the Supreme Court of Pakistan


A. Section 54

B. Section 45

C. Section 18

D. Section 15

The ECP shall establish a transparent Results Management System for expeditious counting, compilation and dissemination of election results


A. Section 32

B. Section 24

C. Section 18

D. Section 13

The ECP has been empowered to delegate its functions to its members and officials.


A. Section 6

B. Section 9

C. Section 12

D. Section 15

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