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Rivers & Dams In Pakistan MCQs Notes PDF

Here, you will have Rivers & Dams In Pakistan MCQs Notes and its PDF. Pakistan Geography are comprised of various Rivers & Dams which can be found here in MCQs Notes and download PDF. These general knowledge MCQs are important for competitive exams of CSS, PMS and all other exams. List of Pakistan Rivers and Dams Mcqs for the test of fpsc, kpsc, ppsc, bpsc, spsc and nts etc

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Rivers & Dams In Pakistan MCQs Notes PDF
Rivers & Dams In Pakistan MCQs Notes PDF

List of Pakistan Rivers and Dams MCQs Notes PDF

1. Land between Beas and Ravi is called . Doaaba Bari
2. Doaaba Rachna is located between the River Chenab and River . Ravi
3. lies between Indus and Jehlum rivers. Sindh Sagar
4. Doaaba Chaj is located between River Chenab and River . Jhelum
5. River is the longest river in Pakistan. Indus
6. The length of Indus River is . 1,800 miles
7. Indus River is also called, Nile of Pakistan, Attock, Abaseen, Mehran, Sapt Sindhu…All of these
8. Indus River rises from Kailash Mountain and enters into Pakistan near . Chilas
9. Indus River falls into Arabian Sea near . Karachi
10. River Jhelum rises in the Himalayas and meets the River Chenab in southwest of Jhang. Its length is kms. 725
11. Chenab River rises in Himalayas and flows into Pakistan. Its length is kms. 1,087
12. River Ravi rises in the South East of Pir Punjal range and joins the River Chenab. Its length is kms. 765
13. River Sutlej rises in Tibet (China) and meets the Indus. Its length is kms. 1,370
14. Bolan, Nari, Pishin, Lora Mulla, Hingol, Rakhshan, Dusht and Zhob are the rivers of .Balochistan
15. Hub and Baran are the rivers of province. Sindh
16. Kabul, Swat, Kunhar, Panjkora, Bara, Kurram and Gomal are the rivers of .Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
17. The Swan River flows near the city of . Rawalpindi
18. Kalabagh Dam is planned to be built on the River . Indus
19. The proposed site for the dam is situated at Kalabagh, in district of Punjab: Mianwali
20. The proposed capacity of Kalabagh Dam is MW. 3600
21. Tarbela Dam is located on the River .Indus
22. Tarbela Dam is located in district of Khyber Pakhtuankhwah. Haripur
23. The Dam is kilometres northwest of Islamabad. 50
24. Tarbela Dam is feet (148 m) high above the riverbed. 485
25. Tarbela Dam was completed in . 1974
26. The installed capacity of Tarbela Dam is
27. Which Dam was constructed on River Jhelum MW. 3478 ? Mangla
28. Mangla Dam is located in district. Mirpur
29. Mirpur District is located in . Azad Jammu & Kashmir
30. Mangla Dam’s construction started in 1961 and completed in . 1967
31. The installed capacity of Mangla Dam is MW. 1000
32. Diamer-Bhasha Dam is constructed on River.Indus
33. The height of Bhasha Dam is .metres: 272 ft/mtr
34. Bhasha Dam has a storage capacity of MAF. 6.4
35. The installed capacity of Bhasha Dam is MW.4500
36. It would irrigate more than million acres. 33
37. Bhasha Dam will be completed by .2016
38. Warsak Dam is constructed on River. Kabul
39. Hub Dam is located on River. Hub
40. In which province of Pakistan, Mirani Dam is being constructed. Balochistan
41. Hub, Haleji, Keenjhar and Manchhar lakes are located in province. Sindh
42. Kallar Kahar Lake is located in district. Chakwal
43. Haleji Lake is the largest bird sanctuary near Karachi. It is kms from Karachi. 82
44. Keenjhar Lake is a manmade lake. It is a combination of Suneri and . Keenjhar
45. Keenjhar Lake is kms away from Karachi. 115
46. Manchhar Lake is located to the west of . Sehwan Sharif
47. Manchhar Lake is the largest natural lake in Asia. It covers an area of . 24 sq. kms
48. Hanna is Balochistan’s famous lake. It is away from Quetta. 10 km
49. Hub Lake is located outside . Karachi
50. Kachura Lake is located some 29 kilometres from . Skardu
51. Lalusar Lake is situated in . Kaghan Valley
52. Lalusar Lake is located some kms from Naran. 48
53. Rawal Lake is located some kms from Islamabad. 8
54. In Kaghan Valley, Saiful-Malook Lake is located near . Naran
55. Satpara and Phandar are located in areas. Gilgit-Baltistan
56. Where will you find Hamun-i-MashKel Lake? In Balochistan


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CSS Pakistan Affairs MCQs Quiz

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